Monday, May 17, 2010

Fish heads, Fish heads

Bleh. Deceased fish. An ex-fish. Shoved off this mortal coil. He is pining for the fjords. According to Dad, it's a carp. It's huge, and it's bobbing about at the shoreline by our dock. Bleh.
How dad was able to identify this fish from the carcass bobbing there, I'll never know. It's not a tiny fish, either. The sucker is probably 5 or 6 inches thick. The kids were fascinated. Had they been able to reach it, I'm sure it would've been poked with a stick. Fortunately a hawthorn (hawthorn! hawthorn! hawthorn!) interceded.
I'm sure the presence of "Bob" the dead carp made this project all that much more rewarding. Dad and the Captain (o.k., mostly Dad) went to work adjusting the dock to eliminate the mid-dock tripping step and to pound in some reinforcing bars so the dock doesn't wobble so much. Doesn't the lake look great?
In the distance you can see several fishing boats toodling around West Grape island. (if you click on the photo like a bright bunny to view the close up)
There's a huge bass lurking at the end of our dock. We're calling her "snack".

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